Hi, I’m Nian Wei

~ I think machine learning is cool

~ Building applied machine learning / computer vision applications with PETRONAS Research

~ Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

IOAI 2024 MysteryNet Explained

Hid something in these safetensors!

Sep 1, 2024 Sun · 5 min

Read Jupyter notebooks from the command line

For when just previews are enough

Apr 25, 2023 Tue · 5 min

MLflow x Hydra

A template for using both effectively in machine learning experiments

Jun 13, 2022 Mon · 7 min

Explaining negative R-squared

Why and when does R-squared, the coefficient of determination, go below zero

Jun 6, 2022 Mon · 5 min

Generating nebulae images with GANs

End-to-end from data scraping, to model training, to deployment as web app

Feb 26, 2022 Sat · 11 min

SettingWithCopyWarning in pandas

What it is, why it crops up, and how to get rid of it

Dec 30, 2021 Thu · 17 min